What can coaching do for your business?
New Zealand is a nation of small-to-medium businesses. Our DIY mentality, coupled with the Kiwi number eight wire ingenuity, drives us to work for ourselves. All going well, business grows and employees arrive to share the workload. But one thing that’s difficult to share within a private business is the burden of responsibility for day-to-day operations, performance and business strategy. That sits firmly on the owner’s shoulders, and sometimes it feels like the weight of the world.
Become a Better Business Person
Red Hot specialises in coaching business owners to become better at the strategic and management side of things. Our knowledgeable support and trustworthy advice help to transform under-pressure businesses into remarkable success stories.
We’ve done it over and over for Wellington business owners who wanted to improve. And our advice pays for itself in improved profitability, so inevitably our customers keep us on. Having a wise adviser by their side eases the loneliness of business ownership, while also ensuring continuedsuccess.
Unlike some business improvement companies, the work we do isn’t totally focused on sales performance. We take a holistic view of every case that comes our way, so that we can provide coaching that addresses every challenge. The result is a total and ongoing solution, not just a spot fix.
Gain a Sounding Board, Adviser and Mentor
More often than not, Kiwi business owners spend too much time working. And when they’re not working, they’re worrying. Lifestyles suffer and familyrelationships come under strain. Optimism and joy are in short supply.
That’s why every business owner needs a coach – an experienced specialist who acts as a sounding board, adviser and mentor. Someone who can provide that kick up the bum, word in the ear, pat on the back or strategic introduction, depending on requirements.
Like to know more about Red Hot Coaching?
The Growth Paradox
A common belief within the NZ business community is that increased sales leads to better control over the business, which leads to greater profits, growth and satisfaction. This is a misconception.
The truth is a different story. Gaining greater control of your business first is what leads to increased revenue, which translates into increased profits and growth.

Meet the coaches

Understanding the core components of a successful business and how they work together

Time at the frontline taking on big challenges and winning

Having an entrepreneurial streak that lights up in the face of opportunity

Learning from the scars of failure to become stronger, smarter and faster than competitors.

Every member of the Red Hot team has a track record of success that provides a strong platform for advice, coaching and confidence building. Our coaches understand business structure and how it drives revenue. They know how to drive growth or prepare a business for sale. And they’re really good at helping business owners find more time for life.
When you work with Red Hot, we’ll assign the coach who’s most appropriate for your sector and situation. Your first contact with the team will be a no-obligation scoping session that reveals your requirements and suitability, or not, for beginning a coaching relationship.
We measure our success by your success
Since Red Hot was established in 2003, our business coaching has helped hundreds of companies by coaching theirowners to become more effective business people. Some quick-fire results include:
A heating business that doubled in size and turnover in less than six months
A recruitment company that increased its turnover by 1000% within 12 months
An engineering company that went from $270k net profit to $2.9 million net profit in eight years
A glazing business owner who went from working 50+ hours a week down to three days a week, while still increasing turnover
A manufacturing business successfully prepared for sale and sold, achieving financial goals for retirement
A construction company that tripled staff and turnover within two years
Now what?

6 Weeks to Action Toolkit
Wondering if our style of coaching is for you? We have condensed 6 of our most valuable and actionable tips from real coaching sessions to give you a taste of our business coaching style.
- Weekly instalments delivered direct to your inbox for 6 weeks
- Rich, relevant content outlining business problems like ‘Why selling more is costing you money’ and access to our blueprint on how to move forward.
- Valuable and actionable tips to start making changes within your business – now.